Many hardly realize the difference a small compliment can make; or how quality makeup such as Mehron cosmetics can instantly perk up a woman's mood. People often associate 'beauty' only with appearances. For women, being beautiful is holistic – it's all about looking AND feeling great. It's been known that uplifted spirits mean a smile – and a smile means looking beautiful.
It's possible for a girl to still look unappealing even in the trendiest dresses or the most fashionable clothes. That's because a girl's emotions and confidence are reflected through her face: her eyes, her lips, and her glow. So when a woman doesn't feel good on the inside, it's bound to show on the outside as well. Luckily, women know the best way to boost their mood.
Give a Gift to Get a Lift
Women are natural caregivers and nurturers. That's why it's no surprise how females can give and receive so much with open arms. It's a fact that helping others not only benefits the recipients but also the givers – so what better way to have that 'beautiful glow' than by extending a hand to those in need?
This year, in the wake of super typhood Yolanda, women all over the Philippines are teaming up to boost fellow females' spirits through cosmetics, toiletries, and hygiene products. Their program aptly called 'the Beauty Drive' is aiming to collect the aforementioned items to help women – especially schoolteachers – stay pretty amidst their current challenging situation.
It might seem trivial to most; but people would need all the assistance they can get in the most dire of conditions. Sometimes, even a little distraction helps too. The hygiene products are crucial for these women to stay clean so they can take care of their loved ones. Diseases and illnesses are usually prevalent after natural calamities; so taking care of once's self is a preventive measure as well as a good confidence booster.
Fashion for Poverty
Another inspiring story or beautiful women helping others comes from TOMS Club in a college community. TOMS merchandise like sunglasses and shoes, were founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006, along with his campaign 'One for One'. For every purchased shoe pair from TOMS' collection, another pair would be given to kids needing footwear. The same principle is applied to their sunglasses.
This year, women (and men too!) from TOMS club in a college campus will go barefoot for a day to help raise awareness for countries with barefeet children. When the feet are not protected, a person is more susceptible to diseases as well as cuts and scrapes (which can be deadly). This activity hopes to get more people in on the spirit of giving.
This just proves that beauty isn't all about vanity – real beauty is all about caring for one's self so it will be easier to take care of others. Women know the power of little things; and that's why ladies everywhere try to show this in every way they can.
It's possible for a girl to still look unappealing even in the trendiest dresses or the most fashionable clothes. That's because a girl's emotions and confidence are reflected through her face: her eyes, her lips, and her glow. So when a woman doesn't feel good on the inside, it's bound to show on the outside as well. Luckily, women know the best way to boost their mood.
Give a Gift to Get a Lift
Women are natural caregivers and nurturers. That's why it's no surprise how females can give and receive so much with open arms. It's a fact that helping others not only benefits the recipients but also the givers – so what better way to have that 'beautiful glow' than by extending a hand to those in need?

This year, in the wake of super typhood Yolanda, women all over the Philippines are teaming up to boost fellow females' spirits through cosmetics, toiletries, and hygiene products. Their program aptly called 'the Beauty Drive' is aiming to collect the aforementioned items to help women – especially schoolteachers – stay pretty amidst their current challenging situation.
It might seem trivial to most; but people would need all the assistance they can get in the most dire of conditions. Sometimes, even a little distraction helps too. The hygiene products are crucial for these women to stay clean so they can take care of their loved ones. Diseases and illnesses are usually prevalent after natural calamities; so taking care of once's self is a preventive measure as well as a good confidence booster.
Fashion for Poverty

Another inspiring story or beautiful women helping others comes from TOMS Club in a college community. TOMS merchandise like sunglasses and shoes, were founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006, along with his campaign 'One for One'. For every purchased shoe pair from TOMS' collection, another pair would be given to kids needing footwear. The same principle is applied to their sunglasses.
This year, women (and men too!) from TOMS club in a college campus will go barefoot for a day to help raise awareness for countries with barefeet children. When the feet are not protected, a person is more susceptible to diseases as well as cuts and scrapes (which can be deadly). This activity hopes to get more people in on the spirit of giving.
This just proves that beauty isn't all about vanity – real beauty is all about caring for one's self so it will be easier to take care of others. Women know the power of little things; and that's why ladies everywhere try to show this in every way they can.

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